published:2015-03-04 14:24:19 visits:2180 source:Wuxi Huatong Pneumatic
安全性、 可靠性、 耐久性达到国际先进水平的列车制动系统控制阀, 为国内独家生产,占有65%的市场份额,为我国铁路大提速作出了卓越贡献。
The security, reliability and constancy of the control valves for the brake control system have reached the international advanced standard. They valves are produced by our company only interiorly, accouding for about 65% market quotient, making great contribution to accelerating of railway in our country.
FD1-G anti-slids air exhauster, applied to the brake control of trains
QGX -不锈钢小型气缸用于机车后视镜控制
QGX - stainless steel minicylinders,applied to the rearview mirror control of trains
YJ-01 压力传感器用于客车气动系统压力控制
YJ-01 pressure senser, applied to air pressure control of train
PTV special cylinder for colse / open subway door